IbyI’wacu Cultural Village


IbyI’wacu village is located around Parc National des Volcans in Nyabigoma, Kinigi, Musanze district, Northern Province- have a visit to IbyI’wacu to share with local people home and heritage treasures including lifestyles, activities, artifacts and ways of living of local people. IbyI’wacu Cultural Village is committed at showcasing the ways of living, traditional lifestyles and dances to tourists.

IbyI’wacu Cultural Village gives you a rare chance to meet local people, in their environment, with a taste of our culture and traditions. Be genuinely welcomed by the community as a special visitor while they proudly present to your aspects of their traditions and beliefs. The only way to get to know people, is getting close and interacting with local people, and taking part in their daily activities and most of all with them.

The twin lakes of Burera and Ruhondo were named so because they are situated in the same areas and their physical connection. They are located within Musanze district a walk away from the Volcanoes national park. The lakes offer tourists a beautiful view of landscape, wetland habitat, and water birds.